Cooking with Ethan

Cooking with Ethan

By James Madera

“No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing” – Julia Child

Food is a necessity but, beyond that, we are all able to bond with others and rejoice over the pleasure that it brings us every time we consume it. Cooking is a great way to develop a greater appreciation for all kinds of cuisines, and it’s very much an activity that we can share amongst family and friends. If you’re looking for new kitchenware, check out this Cookware Detailed Guide from TasteKitchenandtable.

This is especially true for Joe Kohn, a local real estate attorney who has resided in the Coral Springs/Parkland area for much of his life. Joe and his 13-year-old son, Ethan, enjoy spending time together doing what they both love to do: Cooking.

Joe has been so invested in this journey he is undertaking with his son, that he wants to be able to share the love of cooking with others who have the same passions. He looks forward to publishing a cookbook titled, “Cooking with Ethan,” that will include many of their favorite recipes while keeping it simple enough for others to easily follow along. The cookbook will additionally include alternative methods to classic dishes, as a means to better suit the lifestyles of those who strictly follow plant-based diets.

Ethan’s interest in cooking started at a very young age and loved to grill. Joe did not want to go the practical route with the mundane and repetitive methods most often found in cookbooks, and he knew that the best way for Ethan to learn was if he got as much hands-on experience as possible. “When he was younger, I got tired of reading ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce,” Joe says. “He always liked to cook, and so we started to make good, whole foods, that didn’t come from a can. The entire goal was to make better food choices for my son.”

For as long as Joe can remember, Ethan has had an expansive palate from a very young age. Ethan started to indulge in salmon at 4 years old. His culinary curiosity made it easier for cooking because Joe was not limited in the meals he prepared. “I never had to cook ‘kid food’ for him. I was making him salmon with dill sauce when he was only 4. Not too many young children are eating that,” said Joe.

Joe and Ethan will cook any type of cuisine, and amongst their favorites are homemade pasta and mochi. They enjoy going the extra mile in the creative process, making some of their friends’ favorite recipes, but with a plant-based twist.

Joe believes that this cookbook will cater to anyone that is truly interested in cooking, especially for parents who are looking to be more expansive with their children. He tells us, “I think the cookbook will be for everyone. Whether it be parents cooking with their kids, or if you’re looking for more whole food recipes, it will include plant-based and semi-plant based recipes, together with many shortcuts to make the process easier.”

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