Meet The Detwiler Family

Ray and Lindsay moved to Coral Springs two years ago together with their beautiful children, Kyla, 6. and Everett, almost 4. With no pets in the house, they have a visiting iguana that they have named Rocko.

Ray is a former photographer & business owner. Now he is the Sr. manager of Studio Operations for City Furniture, producing all of their marketing material. Lindsay is the Director of Product Management for Capital One, leading teams in Texas to help with customer service.

They moved from  Dallas, Texas, where the couple met and lived for over 10 years. Lindsay tells us, “We came to Florida in Feb 2022 for Ray’s job and to be close to family. His parents live in Pompano Beach.”

Kyla does gymnastics and Everett does soccer stars. Both kids take swimming classes and are involved with their church. Lindsay says, “We have a church group at Parkridge Church with close friends that feel like family.”

Ray & Lindsay are both very involved at the church. Ray is one of the captains for the church security team and is passionate about firearms, safety, and situational awareness. Lindsay is part of the church welcome team and is on the school board. Both care deeply that Kyla and Everett receive a stellar education, that they know the Lord, and grow up to be contributing citizens who care about others.

Outside of church and work, Ray dabbles in wood working projects, is an avid reader, and household handyman. Lindsay loves hosting themed parties and family get togethers, experimenting with fashion, reading and cooking. Lindsay tells us, “There are always ways to make life fun. Treasure each moment, each holiday, each picture. Show up, dress up,and it’s ok to be a little extra.” Looking for family photographer Highland contact Jill Daugherty Photography.

The family loves travel and exploring Florida. Ray says, “We’ve been to all of the Keys, Naples, Sarasota, and Destin so far- we’re making our way north! We love to do things that foster memories and hope to travel overseas with the kids soon for their first international trip.” Lyndsay adds, “At home, we love to be outside- at the park, swimming or going for a walk. On rainy days we like to cook/bake together, watch movies and play games. Yeti spaghetti and scrabble are fun games as a family.”

Both kids attend Parkridge Christian Academy, where Kyla begins the first grade this fall. Her favorite subjects are PE and Bible. Everett will be starting VPK this fall and his favorite subject is reading.

Being a dad is a special joy for Ray. He says, “I love hearing some of the funny thoughts the kids have. Also, the excitement they have when they see me after a day at school/work is the best!” He also adds, “Being a parent can be tough and tiring sometimes, but looking to the future and knowing I am making an impact that will last the rest of their lives is a strong motivator. Whether it’s teaching them a basic life skill, a way to process emotion, or an outlook on life, I trust that these are things they’ll keep with them into adulthood and maybe even pass on to their kids someday.” Kyla has something sweet to say about her daddy, “The best thing about my daddy is he is funny. He tickles us and makes us laugh. If I can tell people one thing, I want to tell them about Jesus.”

The Detwiler’s are thrilled to attend Parkridge Church, and Lindsay is not shy at all when she says, “We have the joy we have because we know we are loved by our Lord Jesus Christ and saved by His grace. There’s nothing we can do to earn it, and we are free because of Him.”

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