Life Coach – Transitions

By Michael Armfield

Why is it that you are often overwhelmed by fear and anxiety as you face yet another transition in your life? The answer may lie in how you feel about change. Typically, I hear people talk about transitions as a negative experience as they are leaving their state of normal and moving into the unknown.

What if the new destination, job, relationship, or challenge is the doorway to a new, more improved you? Would you look at that kind of opportunity as negative? My bet is that you would look at this transition with great anticipation, eager for what new things will be revealed to you.

Take the transition you are in today and apply these six steps to it. Give yourself the time and opportunity to make this transition one that will forever change how you perceive challenges.

1. Define the transition you are going through on paper. Decide what your goal is, then focus in on your goal and build a game plan to achieve it.

2. Don’t be afraid to say no to commitments that will take your focus off your goal (one way to honor and respect yourself).

3. Tell a friend, colleague or coach your goal, asking them to help you stay on track (accountability).

4. Maintain balance in your life. Any goal you have should not require you to sacrifice the most important things (your overall health and your family) Balance……

5. Expect the unexpected. Don’t be surprised with the events and situations that pop up and seem to deter you from your goal. Have a plan for how you will deal with and overcome the curve balls that life will ALWAYS throw at you.

6. Always end your day with an evaluation of how you did. Don’t be overwhelmed with the mistakes you made, but examine the mistake and determine what you WILL do differently next time to ensure you don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked.

To live a life that embodies peace and happiness, simple proactive techniques will allow you to end your day quietly and truly recharge your battery for the next day.


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