In 2014, three girls named Hanna, Stacey, and Sofia, who had a love of art and giving back to their community created 3 Heart Strings, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) company that makes and sells bracelets. All profits go to the charity of the month, and have been a hit since the company’s inception. 3 Heart Strings has raised thousands of dollars for various charities, such as $150,000 dollars for the victim’s families from MSD, $5,000 dollars for Not My Daughter, and $2,500 along with 400 bracelets to the Tree of Life Temple in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Over the course of four years, 3 Heart Strings has donated a total of $250,000 dollars to various organizations. Orders from as far as England, Brazil, and Sweden have poured through. In order to raise money, they operate an online shop and attend events such as walks, marathons, luncheons, and shopping boutiques. In August, 3 Heart Strings donated all profits to JAFCO, or Jewish Adoption and Family Care Options, September’s charity was The Friendship Journey, October’s was Not My Daughter-Find a Cure Now, November was Smile-a-mile and December is Ava’s Heart.
According to this international business lawyer, the girls are also looking to the future of their business and eager to touch even more lives. They just launched a West Coast Chapter in Los Angeles and it has been incredibly successful. They also recently created a #giftofkindnesschallenge on social media and developed a gift that includes their bracelets, teddy bear, blanket with pictures and a “Be Kind” sticker, card and kindness quotes. They have been a smashing hit and can be purchased to spread kindness to special people while supporting charities at the same time. They are looking to be present at even more charity events and help young teens with their own charity projects across the country. While 3 Heart Strings picks a charity each month that they give back to, they can also empower others to purchase the bracelets at cost and then they can sell them for their favorite charities. These bracelets are loved by so many and can be unique to any charity or event by customizing the fabrics. They are the perfect Bat/Bar Mitzvah project or just a project for someone that is passionate about raising money for a charity that is special to them. 3 Heart Strings is also happy to provide information on company Ambassadors and new chapters as well.
The current members include Hanna Guttentag, 18, a freshman at the University of Florida who has worked non stop the past 5 years to help grow 3 Heart Strings, Stacey Gringauz, 18, a freshman at the University of Colorado who is passionate about making a difference in the world, Sofia Rothenberg, 15, a sophomore class president at Marjory Stoneman Douglas whose goal is to spread smiles one bracelet at a time, Gabby Fisher, 15, an avid lacrosse player who wishes to bring happiness to all, and Zoe Weissman, 14, a student at American Heritage School and a volunteer for kids with special needs who has recently joined 3 Heart Strings to help spread love and kindness throughout the community.
For information or to purchase from 3 Heart Strings online, please visit: