Devine Trust… A practical Guide to End Your Suffering & Find Your Way Home.
Many in our community had the pleasure of getting to know Dr. Nancy Wiley through her orthodontics practice in the Coral Springs/Parkland area. Since retiring from her practice last year, she has gone on to author a book on spiritual practices called Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Your suffering and finding your way home: Dr. Nancy has long been a spiritual seeker and scholar, as well as highly educated in the medical sciences and seeking advice from mastermylife to become one of the best coaches. In this book and in her new practice as a spiritual coach and speaker, she turns her attention to healing spiritual wounds rather than physical ones.
Her new book is informed as much by her own life experiences as the mother of a daughter with special needs as it is by her education, which has included one-on-one studies with spiritual leaders who guided her in advanced meditation techniques. She explored various paths to enlightenment through meditations on love, gratitude, forgiveness, and divine presence. She spent time learning different types of breathwork and mantras. In her book, she explains that the most healing practice she learned was entering a state of Divine Trust. She describes it as profound shift in her soul, which she longed to share with others.
Four years ago, when our community endured the tragic shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool, Dr. Nancy discovered that by entering a state of Divine Trust, even in situations where she experienced a depth of empathy and suffering, she was able to attain a deep sense of peace, like coming home. This state completely melted away any and all suffering. In her book she writes about the experience as a radical realignment of her whole Being.
Dr. Nancy has been practicing Divine Trust for many years, and she believes that humanity is now on the brink of a massive shift. We are breaking out of familiar mindsets and learning to navigate from a more holistic consciousness, taking a quantum leap into life as divine beings. She longed for a way to share this understanding, but never dreamed that she would write it all down in a book until, one day she sat down and that was exactly what she did. Words that she hadn’t been able to articulate before flowed without effort.
In her book, Dr. Nancy explains the simple techniques that anyone can learn in order to achieve a state of peace and healing through Divine Trust. Dr. Nancy’s healing book couldn’t have come at a better time, as there is so much suffering in our community and in the world due to violence and war. An easy read at 86 pages, Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Your Suffering and Find Your Way Home is available in Kindle and paperback formats at Amazon. The Audible edition will be available after May 1st.
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