September Square Up

Goals are Dreams with Deadlines

By Shellie Miller- Farrugia

Wow! That really hit me hard. Every month for the last 22 years, The Spectator has had a deadline, and our goal has always been to bring quality content to our readers. There are many factors that go into reaching our goals, missing them, and re-correcting our course.

One thing that I’ve preached throughout my life and, especially to my children, is that you become like the five people you hang around. Surround yourself with others who have your same goals in mind, and you are certain to reach the prize with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Here’s my recent dream to goal story. Used to being a successful athlete, businesswoman, and respected community member, I’ve become disabled within the last eight years, and have lost touch with many friends who are still engaged in chasing their dreams. Recently, I had the desire to go and visit one of my sons who lives in Montana, but I couldn’t see a way to get it done without the help of others. It really seemed like an insurmountable goal. The loss of my mother after 32 years of frontal lobe dementia, brought a niece to her funeral that I hadn’t seen in decades. When she heard about the dream to visit my son, she happily volunteered to accompany me and help me through the two flights each way, and the week of visiting, traveling, and catching up. It was such a blessing! Her sacrifice was nine days of her time, but she got to meet a new cousin, see a beautiful new area of the world, and go on some fun adventures. For me, it was a beautiful family reunion, some time with old friends that live in the same area, and a variety of very unique experiences, including flying with my son in his own airplane. Pilots can work with an aviation staffing company to get in their dream company. Getting out of the humidity of Florida was a huge added bonus! Waking up in 49° and having a high of 72° for the day was absolutely delicious!

Realizing that reaching my goal took the help of other people, reminded me that what I have taught my children also applies to myself. We had helpers at each airport who shuffled us from one flight to the next with kind attitudes. We had servers at every restaurant who made accommodations for my shortcomings with an understanding smile. When my son‘s truck was acting questionable, he had a friend step in and take us to a resort in her truck, where we all enjoyed the benefits of a hot spring, an unforeseen night without electricity, and a fun memory to share with everyone.

After returning home, I realized that it is very important for me to set goals beyond our monthly deadline. At 60 years old, that week away completely changed my attitude and my life! That’s a crazy realization! My kids are grown, life is pretty nice , but I don’t want to fall into the rut of “good enough.“ Finding another goal to reach is my focus today and forever forward.

What is the vision that you want to accomplish? Why haven’t you started making it happen? Who do you need to talk to in order to reach your goal? The time is NOW to realize your dream!

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