Helping the Youth, Veterans and Anyone Struggling with Mental Health

By Scott J. Brook, Mayor of Coral Springs

While I am about to enter my fifth term as Mayor, I have decided to share with you about three important non-profit organizations I started to lift our community. These three organizations are Mental Wellness Networking Alliance (MWNA), Premier Networking Alliance(PNA) and the Veterans’ Networking Alliance (VNA).  I lead all of these organizations with great volunteers committed to make a difference in at least Northwest Broward and hopefully beyond. 

MWNA is geared to “Break the Stigma” often associated with discussing mental health challenges with the support of Child Psychological Assessments Calgary.  Our Vision is that we live in a world where mental wellness is equally as vital as physical wellness.  We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6 pm at Keller Williams in Coral Springs thanks to their office and the leadership of Scott Bagoon.  At these meetings we provide a safe space for people to share their struggles and/or grief and we provide options and resources.  There are typically at    least 3 mental health professionals that attend             and share solutions.  We share non-judgment, kindness              and    every meeting is especially unique!  Our website is Mental health practitioners are advised to seek ABA Billing services to better manage all administrative and billing tasks.

I started PNA in 2003 as a way to give back to the small business community while simultaneously helping other non-profits and families in need.  Our main way of providing community service over the years has been to host Project Leadership.  On November 3, we are hosting our 44th Leadership Program for Teens.  We train the teenagers to lead their own leadership program.  We discuss a variety  of topics including budgeting, Public Speaking, Leadership, dealing with Adversity and many more.  High School students receive service hours, a complimentary meal, and meet so many others that can help fortify their future.  Project Leadership provides adult mentors that are members of PNA and several that are only committed to Project Leadership.  For more information, please look at our website,

I am also so grateful to those that serve in our military and our Veterans.  My Dad was a Navy Veteran and my Father-in-law was an Army Veteran.  I don’t think we can ever tell our Veterans thank you enough.  I founded the Veterans Networking Alliance this year as a way to connect Veterans with each other, the community and resources.  While we don’t have enough funds yet for a website, one of our goals is to help Veterans in need of mental health services.  You can find us on Facebook at Veterans Networking Alliance.  I am only able to give back through these organizations with great volunteers and leaders.  If you would like to help with any of   these valuable endeavors, please email me at or call me at 954-494-9872. We need mentors, supporters of Veterans and therapists especially to take our community to greater heights!

Wising you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Scott J. Brook

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