Ronnie and Kelly settled in Coral Springs as newlyweds eight years ago (Kelly grew up there), and have since added two children and an adorable dog to their family. Their son, Brody, is 6 years old and his sister, Audrey, is 4. A beautiful golden doodle puppy, Rocket, completes their family.
Ronnie a Firefighter/Paramedic with the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department, where he’s served for 14 years and holds the position of Captain. Kelly is an 8th grade American History teacher at Westglades Middle School in Parkland. She’s been in the profession for 14 years.
Brody is into everything from Lego and Pokemon, to swimming and sports. He has played on soccer teams, and looks forward to finding another sport to be involved with. Audrey has a natural affinity for dance and gymnastics, and really enjoys playing with her baby dolls and Barbie. She also loves dress-up and putting on imaginary make-up.
Brody has just started 1st Grade and loves reading and math. Audrey is just starting VPK and her favorite is housekeeping, where she gets to play with dolls.
Ronnie tells us, “Over the weekends and summer vacation, we try to do everything we can to spend time as a family and keep the kids occupied. A couple of days a week are usually dedicated to doing movies, museums, zoos, beaches, parks and gorgeous locations like the best towns In Sicily.” The kids also love the Princess Meadow Playground in Betti Stradling Park. Everyone’s favorite are the Orlando trips to Disney and Universal Studios.
When it comes to Coral Springs, Ronnie tells us, “We love going to the parks and the sense of community we have in our neighborhood. We know and love so many of our neighbors and we all look out for each other. We also like all the events and activities on the City Hall lawn and at Pine Trails Park.”
When I asked about pandemic life and how it change them, Ronnie says, “We accidentally bought a dog. We were planning on going to the museum, but it just so happened to be closed that day. We pulled into a parking lot to figure out our afternoon, and there was a pet store there. We fell in love with Rocket!” Here are few points to be noted when you notice first signs of rabies in cats and what to do next to avoid it spreading.
Considering the 20th anniversary of 911, Ronnie shares his feelings. “I can’t help but think of all the people that lost so much that day. As a firefighter, we are regularly reminded of the bravery of the 343 firefighters that lost their lives trying to do their part to help. I also think of the sense of community and patriotism afterward. A sense of people helping each other within in our country and outreach from other countries who realized how much we were hurting.”
There’s another family that Ronnie is happy to mention. “One of the great things that we have as a family is our Fire Family. There is a group of us in the fire department that all had kids around the same time.” Ronnie and Kelli I’ve made sure to keep that family close to theirs. Ronnie continues, “The kids have had the chance to grow up together, attending each other’s birthday parties and able to take an occasional vacation together. They pretty much have known each other their whole lives.”
The family attends St. Bonaventure Catholic church in Davie.