Meet the Cadiz Family

Meet the Cadiz Family

Alan and his wife, Veronica, are two busy health professionals with an amazing family! Their children are Colton, 13, Addison, 11, and Braxton, 10. The family circle is complete with their beloved dog, Ruby.

Alan, known fondly as Dr. Cadiz, has been a pediatrician for 14 years at Sawgrass pediatrics in Coral Springs, Parkland, and Boca Raton. He is the third generation of pediatricians in his family. Veronica is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Coral Springs.

Alan grew up in Coral Springs since age 3, played quarterback for the Coral Springs Chargers and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, and graduated from Douglas in 1997. Veronica grew up in Ponte Vedra Beach. They met during their pediatric training in Jacksonville and moved back to Coral Springs in 2010.

Colton plays football for Coral Springs Charter. He also plays Coral Springs Flag football and is involved with National Junior Honor Society. Addison is on a dance team in Heron Bay, and loves art. Braxton plays flag football for Parkland Flag Football and Coral Springs Flag Football. He is also part of the Speech and Debate club and Stock Market club in school and a member of Mensa.

All three kids also play soccer for Coral Springs Youth Soccer.

Veronica tells us, “We both stay active by working out daily and both enjoy running half marathons. Alan has run over 20 half marathons.” Alan mostly loves to spend his free time at the park coaching flag football, soccer, and basketball. Veronica is active on the PTA at Westchester Elementary and CS Charter, as well as room mom. She spends most of her time raising the three active children and driving them to and from all their activities.

Alan says, “We enjoy traveling, visiting family throughout Florida, going to college and professional sporting events, and boating in the Keys as a family. Every summer we love going to the mountains of North Carolina for a change of scenery.”

Colton is in the 8th grade at Coral Springs Charter School. His favorite subject is PE.
Addison attends 6th grade at the same school. Her favorite subjects are math and science.
Braxton is in the 4th grade at Westchester Elementary. His favorite subject is math.

Alan and Veronica both agree that their favorite parts about living in Coral Springs are the family activities, parks, beautiful neighborhoods, and youth sports leagues. Veronica! says, “We are grateful for meeting some of our lifelong best friends through participating in sports activities in Parkland and Coral Springs.”

Alan adds,“It’s wonderful being a pediatrician in this community while also living here. I am fortunate to see my patients grow up and be a part of their lives, not just in the office, but at the sports fields, schools, and church.”

The Cadiz Family attends Services at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church.

Meet the Cadiz Family

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