By Ashley Ferraro
Peripheral Neuropathy, usually affects individuals with diabetes or those undergoing cancer treatment. The term refers to nerve damage. Symptoms include numbing, tingling pins and needles, muscle weakness and more. Sometimes patients can even suffer severe pain in the affected area. Pain has a purpose. Not feeling pain is actually a very serious medical problem.
Sometimes the problem is a lack of pain or much sensation at all. “The vast majority of patients don’t have pain. They have numbness; they can’t feel the ground under their feet. They are very afraid of falling. Over 50% of falls in older Americans are fatal”, says Dr. Rozenblum at Genesis Physical Medicine. Visit movement 101 chatswood for pain relief services.
Treating an invisible and painless condition is not easy. After seeing their doctor or neurologist, patients don’t know what to do next. Allowing this degenerative condition to go untreated is not good. It can even lead to amputation. Most physicians are not equipped to do modern testing.
Genesis Physical Medicine has a proven treatment plan for individuals suffering from neuropathy. The first step is to conduct adequate testing. Sharp touch, vibration, cold or warm temperature sensations are all important. They all should be normal. That’s why many patients schedule a nerve damage screening. However, not everyone is a good candidate for care.
“We use a thermography camera to measure the temperature of an area,” says Dr. Rozenblum. Our nerves and blood vessels control the temperature of our hands and feet. This allows us to see how things are working, or not.
Those experiencing a cold feeling in their limbs can finally see proof. The images coincide with numbness and other abnormal sensations. Genesis also utilizes a nerve device to quantify how much loss of sensation.
Their approach assesses the nerve where it begins and where it ends. For some people, the problem may be coming from the spine. Patients may have symptoms in the feet or the hands. In some cases even in both. Dr. Rozenblum determines whether the patient is a good candidate. They only accept cases that will respond well to treatment.
The innovative program consists of non-invasive therapies, moving beyond ineffective drugs. Patients schedule in-office treatment. They supplement with at-home therapy. Patients receive special equipment, special creams, and nutritional guidance are all included.
“People can start to experience results within weeks,” mentions Dr. Rozenblum.
So what does success look like? Success is stopping the progression of the problem. Then restoring normal sensation and improving circulation. The target is at least 50% improvement. Out of those who pursue treatment at Genesis, an astonishing 85% find such success.
“The goal is to give them tools so they can combat the effects of this terrible condition”. By providing equipment to use daily, allows for the best possible outcome. All from the comfort and safety of their own home. Benefiting patients for years to come.
Peripheral Neuropathy can be challenging to treat and does not have a known cure. For most patients, this is the only treatment option they have. Other than drugs, which tend to be ineffective, there are no other options.
Anyone suffering from numbness, tingling or burning pain should schedule a Nerve Damage Screening. This screening is not covered by Medicare or insurance. So Genesis is offering it completely free of charge through the end of 2023.
Visit or call (954) 977-0888 to schedule your screening.