Active in many community activities, Rich and Catherine are busy parents because of their five kids ranging in age from 3 to 13. Their oldest daughter Delaney is in the 7th grade at Westglades Middle School where her favorite subjects are Civics and Language Arts. Steffy James, 11, prefers Math and Writing in the 5th grade at Park Trails Elementary. 9 year-old Scott and 6 year-old Drake attend the 3rd and 1st grades there, preferring physical education and math respectively. Hayes, 3, goes to preschool at Parkridge Christian Academy where he loves, “playing with my friends Chase and Charlotte.” The Walkers also include their dog Lucy and three cats.
Rich stays busy as the owner of a successful sign company while coaching a variety of Parkland Sports. Catherine is a homemaker and consultant with 31 Gifts. Her schedule stays packed with activities for their children and the community.
Steffy James has cheered for the Parkland Rangers since the Walkers moved to Parkland from Rockaway, New Jersey in 2014. She just wrapped up her 3rd Season, which included two successful regional cheer competitions! She is also a local
Girl Scout with Troop 10520. Catherine enjoys leading this 5th grade Troop with her co-leader. Steffy James also loves gymnastics.
Scott and Drake are happily active in Parkland flag football, soccer and baseball. Rich is actively involved in coaching each of their teams and serves on the Parkland Recreation Soccer Board. Both boys love to play outside with neighborhood kids after school.
Delaney is a member of the National Junior Honor Society, and especially enjoys volunteering in the community. She also loves playing Parkland Flag Football, running, hanging out with her friends and also babysitting.
Hayes, the baby, enjoys all of the cool things he gets to experience at his older siblings’ activities and games. He also has a great time at preschool two days a week.
In addition to his multi-sport coaching and Board member duties, Rich is always happy to donate signage to activities that the kids are involved in whether it is for school, sports or clubs. Catherine is a Girl Scout leader and is involved in Local moms groups like MOMS NEXT, MOPS and Parkland Moms Club. She loves being class mom for 3 kids at Park Trails as well as for Hayes’ at Parkridge. She is passionate about volunteering and fundraising for families close to her heart. She is co-leading a fundraising campaign for 20 month-old Jude Ward’s liver transplant. Please see page 28.
When the Walkers aren’t busy in school, at work or on the sporting fields, Catherine says, “We love lazy weekends IF they ever happen! Beach days, pool days, Marlins and Dolphins games… bike rides.” Further elucidating their love for South Florida, Catherine continues, “We love the gorgeous weather and the amazing opportunities available year round for sports. In the City of Parkland, we especially appreciate the farmers market and the community of friends that have become our family.”
The Walkers worship at Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church.