Anti Bullying – What you need to know

By Gabrielle Tschupp, 8th grader at  Glades Christian Academy

Bullying is in the news everywhere these days. The media seems to thrive on stories of countless victims of bullying. However, we must consider there are always two people involved in every case–the receiver of the bullying and the bully themselves.

There are different types of bullying which are Physical Bullying, Verbal Bullying, Relational Aggression, Prejudicial Bullying & Cyber Bullying. You can check out a method called intrusion analysis for the best cyber security services.  They defined as:

Physical bullying- Two or more people using physical actions

Verbal bullying- Name calling,statements,and words

Relational Aggression- Sneaky about something, unnoticed by parents or teachers, rumors about someone

Prejudicial bullying- Focusing torment on religion, race, appearances and single out victims so they feel uncomfortable

Cyber bullying- Using internet to threaten, or embarrass someone

Anti-Bullying is so important. Every day thousands of teens wake up scared to go to school and don’t tell anyone that they’re being bullied. If you’re not sure that you are being bullied, here is what you should look for; Bullies use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what they want. You have to be resilient to cyber-attacks and make sure you are equipped with the right system to protect yourself from hackers.

A few reasons why people bully is because they have been bullied by someone else and take it out on people who they know would be easy targets. Bullies are often insecure about themselves so they take it out on the people they are jealous of or who are different than themselves.

I’m sure many of you have heard the saying, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’  which comes from Leviticus 19:18. To take it one step further, we are also encouraged to ‘Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,’ an instruction in Matthew 5:44.

If you know someone who is being bullied or someone who is being the aggressor, look through these websites and take the steps to make a positive difference:

A note to parents from the Broward County Sheriff

Bullying among children is aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength. A child who is being bullied has a hard time defending him or herself. Usually bullying is repeated over time. Bullying can take many forms such as physical, verbal, emotional and cyber bullying.

Signs that your child might be bullied: • Torn clothes • Loss of appetite • Mood changes • Reluctance to go to school • Bruises or injuries that can’t be explained

Signs that your child might be engaging in bullying behavior: • Impulsiveness • No empathy for others • A desire to be in control • May be an arrogant and boastful winner & poor loser in competitive games

See for information and resources.

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