By Michael Armfield
Have you ever wondered what life coaching is all about? You probably have friends that use a coach in their life, but you still may wonder if it is the right thing for you.
If you have considered hiring a coach, here are a few questions you should ask yourself. Am I living a life that is filled with excitement and passion? If I could find my purpose and live it out would I be happy? What hopes and dreams have I given up on in my life? Am I in the right career? Are my relationships fulfilling and fun? Do I believe that I have something special to bring to this planet? What has stopped me in the past from moving forward to my dreams? Why do I stay in a relationship that is unfulfilling?
Coaching is centered on you discovering what you are passionate about, what is getting in the way of you living out that passion, and ultimately helping you make the transition to fulfilling your dreams.
I love helping clients get a clear picture of what they desire. I love helping clients create a road map to fulfill their dreams. I love walking with clients as they achieve their goals and helping them through the obstacles that come their way. Ok, yes you may have guessed it, I am passionate about helping people live the life they desire.
So what about you? Do you want to discover how you can unearth your passion and begin living a life that embodies your passion? If the answer is yes, then I want to challenge you to make one action step. Go to our website and fill out a tool that we have built for you. It is an assessment that will help you gain clarity on where you are at in life. By taking this action step you will receive a complimentary coaching session, where you can determine if ArmfieldGroup is the right fit to coach you to achieve your life dreams.
Client Testimonial
I began working with Michael after making the decision to seek out a Breathwork Coach to help me with a professional transition. While I went into it seeking tactical and strategic planning, Michael saw that the personal and emotional element needed just as much tending. He walked beside me as both coach and counselor while we explored each of my reasons for wanting the change in my life. The result of this conscientious process was deciding on a course of action that is thoughtful, well laid out, and exactly right for me. – Amber R.
Helping leaders Achieve there dreams