It’s that time again! Between sales, supplies and a rush for the newest and coolest of what’s “in” for students, many families find themselves focusing the majority of their energy on preparing for the new school year. For some, “Back to School” is cool for about 10 minutes, but there are a few things that parents and kids can do to make the transition from summer to school less stressful.
Check with your pediatrician and ascertain that your child is up to date on their immunizations. For children entering day care, Kindergarten or their first year in a Florida school, form DH680 is required for enrollment. The same form, updated, is required for children starting 7th grade. Families wishing to opt out of the requirements must use form DH1478. Find a checklist of all requirements and PDFs of these forms at
Need supplies? Before you run off to the store, check social media sites and search the internet for special deals and coupons on back to school stuff. Once you have your list of necessities (usually given on the first day of school), check around your home or home office. Once your child has completed a few grades, chances are good that there is a ruler, glue stick, extra pocket folders, and enough pencils and pens hiding around the house to get them off to the right start. Check through the “junk” drawer and avoid wasting unused resources. And while you’re thinking green, reuse last year’s backpack and lunch box for the sake of the environment.
Find out where your child’s bus stop will be, note pick up and drop off times, and make any arrangements for carpooling with friends/neighbors before the first day of school. Know when your child’s school is holding Open House, and be sure to attend it. You’ll have the opportunity to meet their new teacher and familiarize kids with their new classroom/school. Know the dress code requirements and, if you’re shopping for new clothes, keep them in mind. Put clothes out the night before to ease the morning rush.
Begin earlier bed times a few days before school starts in order to prepare your kids for earlier wake times and a more efficient schedule. Sleep and breakfast are two big necessities for optimum learning. Make sure that your children get plenty of both before they go back to the classroom. Broward County public school classes begin August 24th, so mind the school zones, and plan your morning and afternoon drives so that you’re not feeling rushed through the safety slow down.