The best Summer of your Life

By Michael Armfield

Summer in South Florida is in full swing. Your kids are out of school, the temperature is fierce enough to cook an egg on the street, and your business feels the financial lull of all the snow birds returning to the North. For many folks summer can be a miserable time, while others look forward to it with excitement and awe.

How about you? What thoughts rush into your mind when you think about this season of the year? What sets apart those who see it as bliss and those that view summer as an awful time?

Your Perspective is the key ingredient that will determine if you will make lemonade out of lemons this summer. Do you want to embrace and enjoy this unique season in S. Florida?

This month I want to challenge you to slow down long enough to think about this. I encourage you to review your thoughts and experiences of last year and create new wonderful adventures for this year.

Your kids have no school. No problem. Our community has a ton of awesome camps they can attend. Your business slows. No problem.  This is the time to gear up and retool to make the last fiscal quarter the best it has ever been.

You see perspective allows you to see challenges as opportunities. This is very difficult for you to embrace if you are mired down by the circumstances and events life continually throws at you. However, when you view these things as just events/circumstances and not definers of who you are or who you want to be, you will find yourself beginning to soar above the challenges in your life.

To embark on a perspective change you will need to begin by evaluating where you are at. ArmfieldGroup has created a free Tool to help you do this at You will want to look at all of the areas of your life. Personal health (mental and physical), your family, your friends, your occupation or business, your bank accounts, and your spirituality are all the topics that can bring joy or deep depression.  How you are functioning in each of these areas are the predictors of whether you will enjoy this summer or dread it.

As you evaluate each of these topics you may become a bit overwhelmed…..You may like where you find yourself and you may really not like what you discover. Here is the good news, you can draw your line in the sand today and choose to never be the same. You can choose to make the sacrifices necessary, create a plan for success, and then courageously move forward with passion and urgency.

Sounds simple enough right? Well for some this is simply an act of volition that they can fight for on their own. That being said, I would say those kinds of folks are the 1% in society. You may find yourself hoping and wishing that you could “just do it”, but the haunting reality pops up to remind you that you have tried that before on your own and did not succeed.

This summer can and will be different if you decide it to be so. I challenge you to be honest with yourself and think about what will get in the way of you succeeding.  At ArmfieldGroup our number one goal is to help you achieve your Dreams. We do this by helping you get a clear picture of where you are at in relationships, business, health, family, and most importantly an understanding of your purpose on this planet.

Once we nail that down with you, we will help you develop a plan that has very small manageable steps that will lead you to the successes you desire. As you set out to fulfill on your goals, we walk beside you each step of the way, providing you with counsel, coaching, encouragement, motivation, resources, and accountability. By incorporating this proven formula for success in your life, you will watch the summer come and go but at its end you will be in a markedly different place than when summer began.

So how about you, do you desire lasting positive change in your life? Would you like to see your business grow and flourish? Would you like to heal from your divorce and move on to once again being able to desire Love? Are you ready to become a better parent, spouse, or friend?

If you read this and you are thinking how incredible it sounds to move forward with creating the best version of yourself, then I challenge you to stand up today and move on your desire for change. Simply go to and complete our Business or Personal assessment tool. As a result of this action step, we will reward your desire for change by serving you in a complimentary coaching session, where you will experience firsthand why so many successful individuals have a Coach in their life.  Don’t hesitate on the one thing that you desire and you can change. Together  let’s make this the greatest Summer of your life.

Should we be talking?

ArmfieldGroup, Inc.

Helping leaders Achieve there dreams


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