What are you waiting for?

By Michael Armfield

How many times have you told yourself that this would be the day that you would start doing the things that you have always dreamt of doing? It may be starting a new business, building a new deck, writing a book, or even starting to workout. You know exactly what has been on your “To Do” list for far too long. So what is it that continues to keep getting in the way of you moving forward toward what you really want?

This month I began working with a new client. I have known this person for a few years and had always thought he would be a great client. He is a talented lawyer, an author, a Father, and an  all around nice guy. Every time I would hear from him or speak to his family I always had that gut feeling that as good as everything appeared in his life, there was something more that he was hungry for.

I often wondered what was in the way of him tackling his albatross, his quest and hunger for something more. Many times I thought he may just not really want it bad enough. Once again to my surprise it had nothing to do with his desire. It all had to do with timing.

You know deep in your heart what you really want, but so often something gets in the way of you moving toward it. How is it that some folks see what they want and then fearlessly pursue that goal, while others only talk about maybe one day having a goal?

The answer to this question is typically two fold. Most people I work with have an innate need to see the map, the how-to’s of accomplishing their goal. They believe that if someone would just give them the playbook, then and only then can they move forward. The challenge with this kind of rational is that most of the great contributions to society and culture have come from a man or a woman who saw a need and just set out to meet it. They did not have the playbook. What they did have was a hunger to create something new or different that made life better.

The second reason I observe people not moving toward their goals or dreams is one you know well. Fear will hold the most talented individual back; it will even prohibit you from trying something new. Isn’t it strange how you can think an idea through that brings you joy and in the same moment conclude that it is simply impossible. You convince yourself that you do not have what it takes, that you will fail so why even bother trying.

The funny thing about fear is it typically is not based in truth. What things have you put off in  your life as a result of fear?  If you are honest with yourself the list is probably longer than what you would like. Pause a moment and write down the things you look back at and wish you would have at least tried. Now think about where regret comes into the picture, you know, “If only I would have”.  How many times have you said that to yourself?

Here is the good news for you. At this very moment you can begin to break the grip of fear and free yourself of the self loathing regrets you have carried for far too long. Do you want to embark on this liberating and empowering journey?

Many of the people I work with tell me that they do not have a person in their life that can be objective, unbiased, but most importantly supportive. If you can relate to that feeling then I    have even more good news for you. Our team is dedicated to helping you move beyond fears   of failure, beyond regret, and then begin living out your wildest Dream. Our number one goal is walking through the journey of life with you, offering you clear guidance, honesty, and accountability toward your goals.

I celebrated this month with my new client. I celebrated because enough finally became enough for him. He knew after years of struggling with the same lack of inertia that something had to change. He also became acutely aware that he was not going to be able to do this on his own. He has given himself the opportunity to succeed. Will he get it perfectly right out of the gates,    of course not? Will he struggle as he learns how to work more intentionally toward his goal, of course?  The difference now is when he hits a roadblock he will not be alone to allow fear and regret destroy his journey toward his goal.

As we worked through the first stages of our process he and I were delighted as he was able to acknowledge how those trying years actually prepared him for his next grand stand in life. He acknowledged how having a team around him has invigorated him to work hard, to not look backwards but to keep his eyes focused on his dream.  He is living out the best version of himself, taking a risk, and enjoying each moment.

So, how about you? What has fear and regret resulted in your life? Are you ready to do something about it? If you are a business owner or just a person who is tired of being tired I challenge you today to do something about it. Go to our website and complete our business or personal assessment. This will help you gain clarity as to why you may be feeling hindered or stuck in your journey. As a result of your action we want to serve you and let you experience what having a coach in your life can do for you.

Life is too short to hesitate on becoming the best version of you.


What are you waiting for?

ArmfieldGroup, Inc.

Helping leaders Achieve there dreams




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