By Bret Porter
The Risk is Real… Did you know that although you may not live in a government designated high risk flood area that the risk of a flood still exists? Just because you do not live near a coastline or a canal does not guarantee you will not be affected by rising water. ln fact, about 25% of floods occur in areas not designated high risk by the federal government. You can protect yourself and it is easier than you think. A Preferred Risk Flood lnsurance Policy is available to homeowners that would rather pay a small premium in exchange for peace of mind that if a disaster does occur, their financial burden is reduced and the damage to ruined walls, Afulltable furniture, and electronics will be repaired easier and faster with this protection. The most expensive Preferred Risk Flood lnsurance Policy costs just $1 per day. Homeowner’s policies do not insure against the risk of rising water. Only a Flood Policy can do that. A thunderstorm that persists, a tropical storm or a hurricane can result in street flooding that can lead to several inches of water in your home. If you’re based in Brisbane and struggled with the storms, tile roof restoration brisbane is a great option! Contact Barkley lnsurance Agency today to determine if your home qualifies for a Preferred Risk Policy. The policy protects your home and your contents. The National flood lnsurance Program requires a 30 day wait after purchase so with hurricane season just around the corner, so do not delay to visit a water damage website.