Release Yourself

By Michael Armfield

I sat with a client last week and we were replaying her last two months. With a smile from ear to ear, she told me about the new man she had met, the yoga classes she was attending, the bliss of waking up and meditating, and her overall satisfaction as she looked at herself in the mirror. Wow, I could barely contain the joy that was welling up inside of me as I listened to this transformed woman.

Two months ago when we began working together, she described herself as lonely, lazy, lacking focus, and depressed. She was sick and tired of what had become of her life and was ready to accept help and create the life she desired. That is all it took: Acceptance of where she was, ownership of the “funk” she found herself in, and reaching out to another for assistance. Clients like this are the reason I love to wake up and work each day. 

So what was the magic for her? It is very simple; she began with a thorough Discovery of where she was in life. This was an uncomfortable exercise, but the result was her insistence on not remaining the same. Then she began setting bite sized goals. As she worked on developing new habits, she told me that everything inside of her was screaming to just stay in bed. However, as she got up and began her new routine she found herself falling in love with her life. Today she is hungry for more as she has awoken the beauty within. 

So what is that all about? As you begin to honor your inner desires and embrace who you are, funny things begin to happen. As you begin to honor yourself today, exactly where you are at, then you can begin to move forward to the great life that awaits you. You can’t give love or accept love until you fall in love with who you are.  The challenge is most people are so dissatisfied with where they are at, that they quit on themselves before the race begins. How about you?

Your challenge today is to say aloud the things you love about yourself. Obviously there will be many things that are undone in your life. Simply say aloud, I am in a process; today I choose to do something about the “funk” I am in. Then pick one thing you will do today. As you begin to care for yourself, the world will notice and your life will begin to attract the desires of your heart.

Should we be talking?

ArmfieldGroup, Inc.

Helping leaders Achieve there dreams


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