By Andrea Goff
Perhaps one of the most destructive and harmful substances to the human body is sugar. Many consider it to be more damaging than alcohol or tobacco, and yet we allow our children to consume it on a daily basis. Sugar has been found to be more addicting than cocaine and heroin. Our bodies do their best to metabolize sugar, but the long-term results can be catastrophic to our health.
The average American consumes around 22 teaspoons of sugar every single day. Much of this can be blamed on carbonated drinks, although sweetened yogurts often carry even more than a can of soda. Around 80% of processed foods contain sugar and it is often hidden in cereals and bread. I was horrified to find that the can of baked beans my family enjoys with our English “bangers and mash” contains 14g of sugar!
Our bodies were not designed to deal with large quantities of sugar. It is known to cause inflammation, upset the body’s normal ph, cause obesity and platelet stickiness, affect hormonal balance and interfere with digestion. Even a teaspoon of sugar can disrupt normal body chemistry for a period of 6-8 hours. Thus, eating sugar several times throughout the day keeps the body in biological chaos. In response to refined sugar, the body secretes insulin from the pancreas in an attempt to regulate blood sugar by signaling cells to absorb the sugar and either burn it for energy or store it as fat. Excess sugar means excess insulin and a high blood insulin level.
During the refining process of sugar, 64 food elements are destroyed and most vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and fiber are removed, leaving only empty non-nutritious, harmful sucrose. When a child eats a product like a sugary cereal, their body must take vital nutrients from healthy cells to process it. Fruit Loops is 88% refined sugar and starch with 12% toxic chemicals promoted as “enriched” essential vitamins. During a University experiment, a box of Fruit Loops was put into a cage with rats. The rats ate the box and left the fruit loops.
32% of Americans are considered obese, and sugar is undoubtedly the culprit. In the year 1700, the average person ate just 4 pounds of sugar a year, but by 2009 it had become 180 pounds annually. Sugary, carbohydrate rich foods raise the level of feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins and serotonin in our bodies. However, sugar is quickly broken down by insulin leading to a sudden drop in endorphins and setting up a cycle of food cravings, weight gain, fatigue and mood swings that can be hard to break. The obesity controller website has a lot of interesting, useful information for avoiding obesity.
If young children are not taught to eat sugar they will not crave it. This can help avoid many behavioral and learning difficulties. Treats should be fruit and a very occasional cup cake at a birthday party. I believe that parents should talk openly about marketing and poisons, and encourage their children to try the many healthier alternatives available at health food stores. If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder, Monte Nido Roxbury Mills offers state-of-the-art, evidenced-based residential programming for eating disorders and co-occurring presentations.
Live nutrient-rich super foods such as spirulina, whole grains, and fresh vegetables such as yams, sweet potatoes and squash may help to curb a sweet tooth. Taking half a teaspoon of L-glutamine powder before meals will help to inhibit food desires. Fruit juices can be as detrimental as soda, since they are loaded with fructose but without the fiber and antioxidants found in fruit. The goal should be to keep sugar intake under 25g a day. That’s why more and more people are buying juicers from to be healthier. Taking a break from sugar for two weeks can help the body be less reactive to it. Look for recipes for home made chocolate that can be made from coconut oil, organic cocoa and a little honey.
In some cultures, when a person becomes sick they have to apologize to their community for not having taken good care of themselves. By keeping our diet simple with fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods, we can avoid many health problems and enjoy a longer, more fulfilling life.