Are You a Survivor?

As breast cancer awareness month is upon us, I want to take a moment and talk about how this disease has changed the world. For many women the thought of being diagnosed with breast cancer is their worst nightmare. The fears and reality of how this illness can change their lives forever can be terrifying.

Today breast cancer is a topic that you hear about all the time. It is an illness that most likely has affected you or a loved one’s life.

When I think about our world I cannot help but wonder why horrible things happen to good people. Have you ever asked yourself that same question? What kind of answers do you come up with to answer this haunting reality?

As I observe how people respond to devastating news in their lives, I am left encouraged and amazed when it comes to the topic of breast cancer. I have met so many women that have been affected by this disease and I find one thing in common with them. They have a sheer will to live, a will to fight, most importantly a will to live.

You may be thinking, “Well of course they want to live and of course they want to fight!”To understand what I am saying here, we must go back in history and remember that this was not always the case. Can you remember a time when the ability to diagnose breast cancer was much more challenging for doctors? Can you remember when the treatments for breast cancer were less robust and proactive than they are today?

As time has progressed and medicine has advanced, we find ourselves in a time where     surviving breast cancer is a reality available to most. This is due to women ensuring that they   are informed on the causes of this disease. This is a result of women being aware that regular checkups and screenings result in the ability to be proactive in combating the disease. Lastly, this is the result of women realizing that if they are proactive they can survive this atrocity.

You see in all of our lives things sneak up on us that have the ability to crush our spirits, our health, and our peace.  When these events happen you can find yourself feeling overwhelmed, terrified, and helpless. Think about your life. What events have occurred that have resulted in you feeling stuck or frozen?

Breast cancer and the women that have been affected by it have reminded me of something very powerful.

First, it has taught me that accurate information is a key to you navigating and surviving a seemingly devastating atrocity. Second it has taught me that once you have good information, then you can look your challenge right in the eyes and plan for your survival. Third it has taught me that there is strength in numbers. Lastly it has taught me that if you can focus on getting beyond the “why” of your tragedy, then and only then can you get up and fight for the life you want.

In my work with businesses and individuals, these principals play out in the same way.

You are not the first person who has faced challenges in your business. You are not the first person who has had a relationship fail. You are not the first person who has had to face the reality of raising a challenging child. No, there have many people that have gone before you and not only faced the same struggle, but also walked away as a survivor of the challenge.

This fact should bring you hope in what you are facing today. Hope is great, but hope without a plan to move forward is really a false hope that will quickly fade as the road gets rocky.

Whatever challenge you are facing has a purpose.

Your challenge presents you with an opportunity to gain information, set your eyes and feet on your plan, and then fight for your life. The challenging reality of this truth is that if you try   to do this on your own you will most likely fail.

The many survivors of breast cancer that we know have taught us all a powerful lesson. Their willingness to unite and fight has resulted in countless women becoming survivors of the     disease. Pay attention to that word, survivor not victim. Yes when diagnosed they felt like a victim, but the process of detection, diagnosis, treatment, and gaining support has resulted in them becoming a survivor.

Today I celebrate these brave and outstanding women and I ask you to consider what has occurred in your life that has resulted in you accepting the victim role. Whatever that circumstance or event was can become your catalyst to survival.

I specialize in helping you move beyond your challenge and fight for the life you were created for. It does not matter how bad it seems today, there is hope for you. If you are feeling like a victim and you want to become a survivor who learns to thrive in life despite the circumstances then I challenge you to ask for help today.

What are you waiting for?

ArmfieldGroup, Inc.

Helping leaders Achieve there dreams


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