As we head into the winter months, America’s pastime may seem a long way off, but spring is just around the corner and now is the time for boys and girls of all ages to register for Little League Baseball.
Coral Springs American Little League is the original Little League charter in Coral Springs. Founded when the city was still in its infancy, Coral Springs American has a long and storied tradition of excellence. “We don’t just build championship teams here, we build character. All of our coaches and league volunteers are here because we love baseball and we want our kids to love baseball for a lifetime,” Said Coach and Board member Mike Usan. “We want them to learn the sport and, more importantly, to learn sportsmanship. We want them to be active and to be athletes. We teach them how to cooperate, to respect rules, themselves and their teammates. We get good exercise and of course, we have fun.” His kids have been a part of this league for 9 years. He continues, “I’ve watched them grow up along with their teammates and they have developed friendships, both on and off the field, that have lasted throughout the years.”
As the years went by and our city grew, other leagues split off from Coral Springs American. The growth in popularity of travel baseball as well as other sports has recently led to smaller baseball leagues. Two years ago, Coral Springs National Little League dissolved, leaving children in the southern part of Coral Springs without an active little league organization. “We couldn’t sit by and watch kids in our community grow up without the opportunity to play little league,” said Tony Juliano, President of Coral Springs American. So the league’s board of directors, made up of parents and volunteers, have petitioned Little League officials to allow them to merge the former Coral Spring National back into Coral Springs American and took it upon themselves to reactivate Coral Springs National. “Now, all children in Coral Springs will have a little league home. We are excited to see our league continue to grow,” Juliano added.
If your son or daughter is between the ages of 7 and 17 and you live south of Wiles Road, then Coral Springs American is your little league. Our home field is located in the newly renovated Mullins Park, in the heart of Coral Springs. Players of all skill levels from beginner to “seasoned veterans” will find challenges, opportunities, fun and friends at Coral Springs American. Registration is going on now.
For more information, visit our web site at